I just sat down and went over some pages of notes. This is something that has been bothering me for some time. I see (alleged) tarot readers go online and ask strangers what THEIR readings mean. This is abysmal. It makes all of us look like amateurs. The cards speak to YOU–not to some random stranger, but between the bad tarot books and people to cheap to hire a teacher or too lazy to actually study the tarot (yeah yeah I know: no one has time anymore, we live in an instant gratification world—don’t be so old-fashioned) this has to end. Now. I hate being a curmudgeon, but being able to actually foretell the future is a skill, not a parlor trick. It is the lazy and the stingy (too cheap to buy a book or hire a teacher) who make us all look like superstitious idiots. Pardon the rant—this episode is about how to avoid making yourself look dumb. It is a lesson that needed to be taught. Seriously, thanks for being here.