Category Archives for "Podcast"

Dusty’s Daily Predictions #2

Hey gang, Sarah and Michael sat in again and we cattily chatted about celebrities and looked at whether the show would go well or not, why the “Olsen Twins” are not in it, and a few other things. The lesson here is how you can use your cards in a fun way to look far beyond […]

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Dusty’s Daily Predictions #1

Oh no! Everyone’s favorite friendly superstar millionaire celebrity just got G on Apple! When taylor Swift infers that you have acted in a greedy and selfish way it cuts pretty deply. Within hours of her VERY public post (and the mini-media frenzy over it) Apple reverses its decision and everyone is happy. All is right in the world. […]

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Private Study Group lesson (part 2): Court cards

IN TWO PARTS: This is a recorded session from our private study group after a long class earlier in the day. Today’s classes were all about court cards. This is not the usual stuff you read about and hear – even in my classes. This is pro-level material we practice, and with students at the beginning […]

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Private Study Group lesson (part 1): Court cards

IN TWO PARTS: This is a recorded session from our private study group after a long class earlier in the day. Today’s classes were all about court cards. This is not the usual stuff you read about and hear – even in my classes. This is pro-level material we practice, and with students at the beginning […]

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Two-minute Tarot Tips! (Video lesson #1)

This is an easy way to do a yes/no spread with the Tarot. Sometimes you just need a yes or no question answered, and you don’t want to have to cast a three car blob spread and “hope for the best” or do a larger spread. These yes/no spreads work best ONLY IF you have […]

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Private Study Group lesson: First day of tarot school!

This is a recorded session of me sitting down with a handful of my private students in a small group environment going over day one of class. We already had the official lesson for the day, so this was us spending two hours practicing what we learned. This allows us to get real-world experience with […]

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Things every reader should know

These are the very basics every reader should know before casting spreads for clients. These are non-obvious points that sound basic and boring (even to me) but they are the foundation of great readings, and so many readers screw this up on a subconscious level that our industry is plagued by mediocre readings and mildly-satisfied […]

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