Fun new tarot game! (makes cards EASY to understand)

So we started out today talking about tarot books. Sharon wanted to bring up something important but of course we got sidetracked . . . AND INVENTED A NEW GAME! 🙂 Or an exercise. It has a kind of lame name: “Interview.” We really need to work on that name, but it is an exercise that feels like a game and it is *awesome*!! We hope you will agree. Rather than explain how it works here, just download this and listen along. Apologies in advance to ANYONE who might be offended, as we never pick on anyone (but ourselves). That said, we don’t pull punches around here, or give you the usual New Age fluff you will get from other tarot “experts.” Life is *hard*! If it wasn’t everyone would be rich and happy, and NO ONE would ever need a tarot reading. So we have to teach you how to read in the REAL WORLD, no some fantasy New Agey magical land of unicorns and rainbows. So . . . have a listen and try this game/exercise for yourself. It will help you get past all of the guesswork in the tarot and STOP looking up meanings in the book. When you do that you chop off your intuition and you are reading like a computer (and computers are lousy fortune tellers). DON’T get trapped by the promise of memorization, or formula or keywords. DO THIS INSTEAD. This is a tiny sample of what we teach you how to do in the real tarot academy at And as always, if you have ANY QUESTIONS at all email me! 

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