How to fine tune your tarot manifestations to get EXACTLY what you want. Powerful spells, manifestation that actually works, effective prayer: call if what you like, your ability to get “God” (angels, spirit guides, Loa, faerie friends . . .) to help you get what you want is critical to being more than a mundane human who plods through life by the sweat of their brow. Ish sat in on today’s lesson on how to fine tune your tarot manifestations, to help you get EXACTLY what you want, not a “kinda/sorta” achievement of your goals.
Today’s lesson is NOT on how to manifest (that would take a LOT longer than 30 minutes, and I have already covered a lot of ground in my free podcasts and webinars). Today’s lesson is on a few key points that you need to know if you expect to actually get results in a short period of time. This is just scratching the surface of what I teach, so it goes by quick. Please take notes and leave a comment if you want more free lessons. Thanks for being here 🙂