Tag Archives for " accuracy "

Which tarot deck works the best?

Whether you are just starting to learn the Tarot or have been reading the cards for years, this episode addresses a valid question. Which Tarot works the best? I asked Iris and Sharon how they got their first decks, which decks they were, and how they interacted with them. This is a classic example in […]

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How to double your accuracy in a reading

The main focal point of this lesson is on opening up cards and “clarification cards.” We cover when to open up cards and how to do it to get the results you want (enhanced clarity, greater accuracy and much more detail. To this end I covered a lot of ground on what to do before you […]

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Advanced tarot lessons with Becky

This episode is the second in a series I am doing while the new super-tarot site is being built. I am sitting down with a few private students and helping good readers become great readers. Today, Becky and I sat down and talked about the Roundabout spread, and how it can save you time and […]

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Private lesson: How to verify a spread

Hey gang, Today, one of my private students (Ish) joined me on the podcast for an hour as I explained how to verify the accuracy of every spread you cast. This has so many values that you should never EVER cast a spread without verifying the accuracy of it before you put your reputation on […]

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How do we become GREAT readers?

Super important lesson today. Becky and I sat down and I ranted (I used an expletive—twice!) about the need for training. This is something you must hear, and look around you at the readers you see on TV, on the internet, and who have shops. Look to see who is giving highly detailed, ACCURATE advice. […]

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How and when to clarify cards

Becky, Cindy, and I sat down and had a quickie lesson on how and when to open up a card, use clarification cards, and what expansion cards are (and when to use them). Too many readers make the mistake of trying to clarify a card before they verify its accuracy in the first place. Along […]

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How to read tarot cards for yourself

Julie in Australia asked about reading the tarot for yourself, so I sat down with Diana, one of my mentees and we talked about it. This is a casual lesson. LOTS of info, but nothing to buy–no sales pitches, no infomercials. We cover some very important fundamentals you need to master before you can accurately […]

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