Tag Archives for " becky "

Casual (stir) Friday!

Becky and I were joined (about 18 minutes in) by Cindy. We played some Friends and Enemies after talking about the Roundabout spread. This continues my series of free lessons. Let me know if YOU need personal help. Thanks for being here!

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2014 resolution / manifestation part 3

Becky sat down with me and let me rant on how to stop wishing and start getting. This is the “anti-seminar guru” episode. Warning: It does have expletives, but only when they are necessary to get you to wake up and take charge of your life, and stop doing things that do not work.

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2014 manifestation (how to) part 2

Becky and I sat down and I ranted for 45 minutes on exactly what you need to do to make your goals come to life in 2014. Seriously powerful lessons here today. I had a meeting with a committee right before the podcast, so I was a bit on edge (sorry). Listen to this episode […]

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Cat talk!

Yes, you read that right. Becky and I sat down and talked about . . . cats. I got saddled with a tiny fuzzball of electricity; a 12-week old kitten who still has no name. It was an early birthday present and Becky talked me through some early stage advice. Then we talked for about […]

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Real-life proof and explanation of pre-spreadwork

Becky is back and she just gave 4 readings at a Tarot party—and she NAILED THEM. I ask her how, and what worked, and we cover pre-spreadwork and post-spreadwork, how she dealt with a problem client and still wow’ed her. You will learn how to give expert-level readings and see how Becky had her breakthrough […]

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All about Significators—AND Spread Protagonists

I had Becky on again, as she is being trained to teach. We talked about significators in great detail: what they are, how and WHY (and when) to use them. We talked about HOW to choose a significator and the differences between single, double, and multiple significators, and three different ways of using them. Take […]

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Fun new Tarot game! “Who am I?”

Becky and Anna were kind enough to sit down and play 30-some minutes of “Who Am I?” This is one of 6 new games from the new book, Advanced Tarot Secrets. The audio starts out a little rough for the first 20 seconds but smoothes out after that. TAKE NOTES!! We jump right into the […]

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