Tag Archives for " clients "

How to rid yourself of bias when reading tarot cards

Mandy, Sharon and I were sitting around talking about our most unusual possessions, so we decided to share them with you! That brought us to talking about judging other people and of course about reading without judgement. We talked about when to say no and when to take on the responsibility of accepting a client […]

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What are problem clients and how to handle them

This episode runs really long (almost 90 minutes). It was a casual discussion between one of my private students (Mandy) and myself about the real-world experiences we all face in reading tarot for other people. Occasionally we all get a difficult client. Most people you read for have a good time and you two end […]

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Fun things that happen in a tarot reading

Today’s episode was so much fun! Mandy had a great funny story about a client that had us in stitches. Then Sharon told us an observation that a client made about the Ace of Cups from The Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot Deck. We all chimed in with awkward or funny moments from our Tarot past to […]

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How to get TONS of clients (to practice on)!

  Iris wanted to know where to find people to practice reading on, as her family “does not believe in all of that rubbish” and she does not live in a major city. So I sat down for 78 minutes (wow! That is like “forever!”) and we went over the psychology of getting people to read […]

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Two-minute Tarot Tips! (Video lesson #1)

This is an easy way to do a yes/no spread with the Tarot. Sometimes you just need a yes or no question answered, and you don’t want to have to cast a three car blob spread and “hope for the best” or do a larger spread. These yes/no spreads work best ONLY IF you have […]

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