Tag Archives for " exercise "

Oh boy, I just got a tarot deck! Now what?!!

We’ve all been there, with our very first tarot deck in our hands and an excitement to start reading. And nothing but a little white book to tell us what to do. Mainly those books just give keywords and descriptions of the card while we stand there scratching our heads going “huh?” Sharon and I pretended […]

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Exercise 4: How to do it

Dawn was having trouble with exercise four from The Easiest Way to learn the Tarot—EVER!! Going from one card to another in a linear-time fashion can be problematic if we are doubtful on the meanings of cards, or worse: if we have memorized fixed meanings for each card.   So, in today’s lesson we took time […]

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Easy Tarot Lessons! #4 Small group study session 2

This is another private study group where we turned on the microphones to let you see what we teach in our mystery school and how. This is a tiny sampling of how we prepare our students to read professionally in real-world environments. This is not your run-of-the-mill set of tarot lessons from some random website. […]

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