Tag Archives for " howto "

Maximizing your Tarot manifestations

How to fine tune your tarot manifestations to get EXACTLY what you want. Powerful spells, manifestation that actually works, effective prayer: call if what you like, your ability to get “God” (angels, spirit guides, Loa, faerie friends . . .) to help you get what you want is critical to being more than a mundane […]

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(Methodology) Manifesting special series 2 of 3

I had Becky on again, and we spoke for almost 90 minutes about the exact specifics you need to do to manifest practically anything you desire. Much more sedate and serene this time. We had a lot of fun covering techniques that actually work, and Becky gave a LOT of input on her real-life recent […]

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How to give GREAT readings (questions)

Hi everyone. Thanks for listening 🙂  Becky (private student) was kind enough to sit in today, again, and we talked about the importance of questions in a reading and how to ask them to get the most accurate and precise results. As you know by now, I am adamant on giving quality information to your […]

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Biggest mistake tarot readers make

I just sat down and went over some pages of notes. This is something that has been bothering me for some time. I see (alleged) tarot readers go online and ask strangers what THEIR readings mean. This is abysmal. It makes all of us look like amateurs. The cards speak to YOU–not to some random […]

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Roundabout spread how to’s

Kristin is a guest again 🙂 We had fun just creating an imaginary client and giving them a reading. This is an extremely valuable lesson on the roundabout spread and how to help your clients (or yourself) figure out “how-to” accomplish something–step by step, in minute details. I hope you enjoy it. Take notes if […]

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