Tag Archives for " interview "

Fun new tarot game! (makes cards EASY to understand)

So we started out today talking about tarot books. Sharon wanted to bring up something important but of course we got sidetracked . . . AND INVENTED A NEW GAME! 🙂 Or an exercise. It has a kind of lame name: “Interview.” We really need to work on that name, but it is an exercise […]

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Attune Magazine appearance with Mary Nale

I was interviewed by Mary Nale for Attune Magazine. We sat down for an hour and I taught some Tarot games. I had fun and it seemed that we all had a good time exploring the Tarot through interactive games. All of this can be found in Advanced Tarot Secrets, but here it is, free; […]

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Aleister Crowley & Pamela Coleman Smith

Oh my god! We had Robert M. Place on (again) and we dished up dirt on “Aleister (“Ed”) Crowley, his narcissism, his genius, and his flat-out lies (pretty much everywhere). We dug into the sordid past of Pamela Coleman-Smith and how she ended up with the Golden Dawn. All in fun mind you–we love our […]

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Know your tarot history! Robert Place interview

Wow! Robert M Place! Author of several books on the tarot; creator of several decks, including the Alchemy Deck and the Vampire Tarot. This is a no-holds-barred look at where the tarot came from, how cards get their meanings changed, who the scoundrels and godfathers of the tarot are, and so much more. I held […]

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