Tag Archives for " manifestation "

Easy Manifestation Lessons (series #2)

Lots of mystery school secrets here today. Most of them small and commonplace, but that is the essence of this lesson: what do we miss in our rush to make “magic” happen? How can we get RESULTS? We have to do the little things right. Yes, we have lots of “deep secrets” lessons, but today, free […]

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Random tarot thoughts over coffee and cigarettes

Oh god! The white noise on this audio is horrible! I just uploaded a replacement. I tried to fix this background noise. It is tough to listen to, but the information is good. Sharon and I sat down today and had a great conversation on everything from Aces to Zippo lighters. Seriously! We had a […]

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Triple episode! Manifestation and two reading examples

This is a super long extended triple lesson. We didn’t mean to go long but there was just so much to cover. Becky started us out with a live update on her “financial freedom” manifestation. (Spoiler: It is working!) First tangible results are in — 9 days later. Next there is a rant but within […]

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How to manifest a great 2016

In today’s lesson you will learn how to manifest a GREAT new year. This lesson draws from many free lessons already available to you, and you get to listen live as I help Becky start the process of manifesting exactly what she wants in 2016. This isn’t the most entertaining episode, but the value of what […]

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Maximizing your Tarot manifestations

How to fine tune your tarot manifestations to get EXACTLY what you want. Powerful spells, manifestation that actually works, effective prayer: call if what you like, your ability to get “God” (angels, spirit guides, Loa, faerie friends . . .) to help you get what you want is critical to being more than a mundane […]

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(Advice from students) Manifesting special series 4 of 3

Debbita is back! Debbi Matz and my absolute favoritest of favorites Deb Altman joined me today for a surprise bonus lesson, where we sat down and talked about divination and manifestation. We had fun and I hope that you do as well. A lot was covered and we shared real-life examples of how we did it […]

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(Support) Manifesting special series 3 of 3

Short podcast today. Very light material. A technical glitch ruined the first part so we had to start over. Beth Tippie and Becky sat in and we discussed a few items essential to making manifestation work. Important enough to put up, not thorough enough to call one of the best episodes. Thanks for being here.

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(Methodology) Manifesting special series 2 of 3

I had Becky on again, and we spoke for almost 90 minutes about the exact specifics you need to do to manifest practically anything you desire. Much more sedate and serene this time. We had a lot of fun covering techniques that actually work, and Becky gave a LOT of input on her real-life recent […]

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