Tag Archives for " money "

Easy Tarot Lessons! #4 Small group study session 2

This is another private study group where we turned on the microphones to let you see what we teach in our mystery school and how. This is a tiny sampling of how we prepare our students to read professionally in real-world environments. This is not your run-of-the-mill set of tarot lessons from some random website. […]

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When (and how!) to start charging money

Today we talked about the business of making money with the tarot. This brought up the commonplace emails we all get, where someone who claims to be a psychic sends you out an email stating that they were “guided” to inform you of some huge change coming up in your life that only they could […]

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How to stand out in an crowded tarot market

Bah! It seems that everyone and their dog reads cards these days. Phone hotlines, readings by video cam, chat, email. Technology is not to blame, it is a lack of proper training. The bad news is that there are TONS of untrained readers out there making YOU look bad because they make the industry look […]

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