Tag Archives for " new "

Oh boy, I just got a tarot deck! Now what?!!

We’ve all been there, with our very first tarot deck in our hands and an excitement to start reading. And nothing but a little white book to tell us what to do. Mainly those books just give keywords and descriptions of the card while we stand there scratching our heads going “huh?” Sharon and I pretended […]

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“major” Arcana Made Easy! (new fun game)

Learning the trumps sucks! For too many people it involves endless bouts of depression and frustration, sprinkled with anxiety, as the so-called “major” Acrana (trump cards) are mystified, deified, and glorified, as if theys omehow hold secrets mere mortals aren’t supposed to know. The truthis that TAROT IS LIFE, and thus life is tarot. Your tarot […]

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