Tag Archives for " reversals "

Red light / Green light: Tarot reversals made easy

Becky and I sat down in this super short podcast (I was really tired today) to play a new game I am calling “Red light Green light.” It is a super-easy way to trick your subconscious to helping you quickly and easily master reversals. The problem MOST people have with reversals is that they freeze up […]

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Tarot reversals made easy (Series 2 of 3)

Special double length episode today: Reversals-only exercise from Advanced Tarot Secrets. Today we used an exercise from ATS called “Mob Scene,” which is a variation of Friends and Enemies, but all of the cards were reversed. This allowed us to clump and bump cards together and against each other in a common sense fashion, just like we […]

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Quick and easy ways to master reversals

Becky and I sat down and talked about reversals, and how to understand them quickly and easily. I gave several examples in the second part of the show to help you get them as they show up in real life. We pulled techniques from Advanced Tarot Secrets, such as spread protagonists, and Card in Position. […]

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Reversals: thoughts and discussions

This is a live call I had with a few of my apprentices. It is raw and unedited, and you get to see how we interact when we are studying the intricacies of the tarot. At some points it is a bit ranty, as I have no tolerance for BS and lies that people spread […]

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