Tag Archives for " robert "

Aleister Crowley & Pamela Coleman Smith

Oh my god! We had Robert M. Place on (again) and we dished up dirt on “Aleister (“Ed”) Crowley, his narcissism, his genius, and his flat-out lies (pretty much everywhere). We dug into the sordid past of Pamela Coleman-Smith and how she ended up with the Golden Dawn. All in fun mind you–we love our […]

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Know your tarot history! Robert Place interview

Wow! Robert M Place! Author of several books on the tarot; creator of several decks, including the Alchemy Deck and the Vampire Tarot. This is a no-holds-barred look at where the tarot came from, how cards get their meanings changed, who the scoundrels and godfathers of the tarot are, and so much more. I held […]

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