Tag Archives for " student "

How do we become GREAT readers?

Super important lesson today. Becky and I sat down and I ranted (I used an expletive—twice!) about the need for training. This is something you must hear, and look around you at the readers you see on TV, on the internet, and who have shops. Look to see who is giving highly detailed, ACCURATE advice. […]

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Visiting with Debbi

Debbi (longtime student of mine) and I sat down and had a casual chat—this is a bit different from the usual format. I wanted to see what Debbi had been up to with the tarot over the past few months. We talked about a few topics of interest and I gave a few new mini […]

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Real-life proof and explanation of pre-spreadwork

Becky is back and she just gave 4 readings at a Tarot party—and she NAILED THEM. I ask her how, and what worked, and we cover pre-spreadwork and post-spreadwork, how she dealt with a problem client and still wow’ed her. You will learn how to give expert-level readings and see how Becky had her breakthrough […]

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Becka Update

Becka is one of my private students who has been on her own for a bit and we sat down and just yapped about what she has learned and how she is doing with the tarot. This is an exclusive look at a real student who started as a beginner a few months ago and […]

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