Tag Archives for " suit "

What does this card mean? (Ace, two, three, four, five of Coins)

Mandy is back! She was on holiday in Greece when a 6.7 earthquake struck. we talked about earthquakes and Mandy’s dialogue with the cards. This is a long lesson! Mandy also recounted her encounter with a believer in a flat earth. We discussed and analyzed the theory and its impact on Mandy’s way of thinking. I went over […]

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Family album(1) and 2-card combos

Kristin (one of my apprentices) and I sit down for a friendly chat of two-card pairings. We bind two cards together to create various meanings (two cards–one meaning). We wanted to avoid highly personal issues that would be of little interest to anyone so as usual we picked on celebrities and news events. Not to […]

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