Tag Archives for " tarot "

What are problem clients and how to handle them

This episode runs really long (almost 90 minutes). It was a casual discussion between one of my private students (Mandy) and myself about the real-world experiences we all face in reading tarot for other people. Occasionally we all get a difficult client. Most people you read for have a good time and you two end […]

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Fun things that happen in a tarot reading

Today’s episode was so much fun! Mandy had a great funny story about a client that had us in stitches. Then Sharon told us an observation that a client made about the Ace of Cups from The Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot Deck. We all chimed in with awkward or funny moments from our Tarot past to […]

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Fun new tarot game! (makes cards EASY to understand)

So we started out today talking about tarot books. Sharon wanted to bring up something important but of course we got sidetracked . . . AND INVENTED A NEW GAME! 🙂 Or an exercise. It has a kind of lame name: “Interview.” We really need to work on that name, but it is an exercise […]

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Which tarot deck works the best?

Whether you are just starting to learn the Tarot or have been reading the cards for years, this episode addresses a valid question. Which Tarot works the best? I asked Iris and Sharon how they got their first decks, which decks they were, and how they interacted with them. This is a classic example in […]

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Why should I buy YOUR tarot book?

So many books! Which one is right? For that matter, why should anyone buy any tarot book? In today’s episode, Sharon and I reminisced about the books we started out with and the limitations we had. With the internet at your fingertips now, there are a lot more choices. But how do you choose the […]

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Oh boy, I just got a tarot deck! Now what?!!

We’ve all been there, with our very first tarot deck in our hands and an excitement to start reading. And nothing but a little white book to tell us what to do. Mainly those books just give keywords and descriptions of the card while we stand there scratching our heads going “huh?” Sharon and I pretended […]

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Astrology and the tarot (part 2)

Iris, Sharon and I had a great discussion today of the philosophy of Astrology as applied to the tarot cards. This podcast is a great blend of Tarot and astrology even if you know little about astrology. We show how with just a basic understanding of astrological signs, you can get even more depth and […]

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