Hey everybody 🙂 Significator cards are an important part of great tarot readings but there are things you need to know in order to make them work for you. We spent about 40 minutes today on this topic (it was only supposed to be 15 minutes but there was more to discuss than we thought). You don’t always need to use significator cards in your tarot spreads but they are incredibly helpful when you don’t have a solid connection to the thing you are reading about (your spread protagonist for example) or you have to give a complex reading on a situation involving several parties. In today’s lesson we cover (in great detail) how and when and why you use significators and how to get the most value from them. We also uncover a few pitfalls most readers hit at one point in their experience. This is a super-important lesson so I hope you will take notes and try all of these techniques out for yourself. If you have NOT signed up for ALL of our free tarot lessons please sign up now and start learning at no cost here: easytarotlessons.com. Just sign up for our email list and you will get two complete lessons by email every week. Quit at any time. Thanks for being here 🙂 Dusty