The Doubt monster—Amanda’s private lesson

Amanda agreed to sit down and have a private lesson recorded. We covered quite a few things (the 30 minute podcast ran 1 hour and 15 minutes!) but essentially we addresses how to overcome the doubt monster: what happens when your yappy voice (conscious awareness) tries to convince you that you can’t read, or it tries to take over the job of your intuition, or it overanalyzes the cards and demands information instantly. These happen to ALL of us. There is no regulated system of training tarot readers to battle the cynicism of the logical mind in its attempts to prove that this is all real (or not). 
This is why I created the exercises and the games in the books (you know which ones by now) and I take Amanda by the hand in this episode and help her overcome this problem—AND—I help her to understand the process, so that she never has to fear it again, and she can help other as well. Of course I do all of this on three hours of sleep after pulling an all-nighter working on the new astrology book. So, in other words, I ramble a bit and go off on tangents.  A fun ride all around. 
Please let me know if you have ANY questions. Thanks for listening

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