We got a great question from one of the students by e-mail about interpretations of the cards. In this episode, Anita, Iris, Sharon and I discussed how we learn to interpret the Tarot without having to memorize keywords and phrases. It is important to allow the cards to speak to you rather than forcing them to make sense! This podcast will help you to be well on your way to understanding why and how you can do that. We also talked about the difference between saying whatever pops into your head and using your intuition. Complete with examples, you’ll walk away from this podcast having a much deeper understanding of the Tarot cards. I am here to make sure everyone who wants to learn the Tarot has a chance to do so. I am now offering a FREE live seminar where you can ask me your questions! Go to . . . https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7443920599417048067 to register FREE (no gimmicks, and no spam!) and come spend some time with me on Saturdays at 12:30 pm PST. I look forward to meeting everyone! And as always, I am here to help. Dusty