Today we talked about the business of making money with the tarot.
This brought up the commonplace emails we all get, where someone who claims to be a psychic sends you out an email stating that they were “guided” to inform you of some huge change coming up in your life that only they could inform you of, and that it would only be $150.
Then, when you ignore that email, you get another—a few weeks later—stating that she was “authorized” (from above obviously) to cut her fee in half, but only because it was so urgent that you get this message. We (you) have to rise above this level of nonsense. Scams, lies, and abusing our (your) clients is not only illegal and bad karma, it is bad for business, and it will keep you from ever getting higher paying clients–people who respect your abilities and input, and seek out the information you have.
Becky sat in today, and we yapped about when to start charging money for readings, and how to introduce our clients to the idea of paying us for our time, how much to charge, and what the going rates are. Please take notes. Thanks for being here.