Tag Archives for " cards "

“major” Arcana Made Easy! (new fun game)

Learning the trumps sucks! For too many people it involves endless bouts of depression and frustration, sprinkled with anxiety, as the so-called “major” Acrana (trump cards) are mystified, deified, and glorified, as if theys omehow hold secrets mere mortals aren’t supposed to know. The truthis that TAROT IS LIFE, and thus life is tarot. Your tarot […]

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Tarot court cards: Knights (Double episode!)

Knights in a tarot spread are a major source of confusion among tarot students and professionals alike. All too often readers refer to them specifically and uniquely as young men, or young men and women, in a spread. This creates a huge roadblock when you are trying to answer a question that has nothing at […]

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Making the court cards make sense

Becky and I sat down to take a fresh look at the court cards, and along the way came up with new exercises and methods to help you rid yourself of bias based on preconceived notions of nobility and titles, and how to see through your card’s meanings and images. This podcast starts out rather […]

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Easy Tarot Lessons! Small group study session 3

Ish, Loreen, Sarah, and I sat down and studied a new variation of Cards in Position; an exercise that was giving all three of them problems. Along the way I was able to find small but deadly mistakes each of them was making – things that would poison their ability to give expert readings in […]

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Quick and easy ways to master reversals

Becky and I sat down and talked about reversals, and how to understand them quickly and easily. I gave several examples in the second part of the show to help you get them as they show up in real life. We pulled techniques from Advanced Tarot Secrets, such as spread protagonists, and Card in Position. […]

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