Tag Archives for " cards "

How and when to clarify cards

Becky, Cindy, and I sat down and had a quickie lesson on how and when to open up a card, use clarification cards, and what expansion cards are (and when to use them). Too many readers make the mistake of trying to clarify a card before they verify its accuracy in the first place. Along […]

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Aspecting cards

Continuing my series of 100% free personalized lessons, I sat down today with Cathy and helped her with aspecting cards and then we covered a bit on verification cards in any fixed position spread. I hope you find this information helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. Just post a comment. Thanks for […]

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Those darned court cards!

Hey everybody!  I sat down with Paul and Cathy today as part of my “free tarot lessons to anyone!” series. Both Paul and Cathy had EXCELLENT questions about court cards showing up in a spread. I also explained the concept of the pecking order in every spread you cast–just in case you haven’t heard that […]

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Hey! Want to read professionally? Here’s how:

Renee, one of my private students, sat down with me and let me rant for 42 minutes on how to get your own psychic business going, and how not to. We didn’t cover everything (I still need to cover working in a shop), but we covered what every reader needs to know if they are […]

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Focus and the tarot: why and how

Diane, Becky, Stacia sat in for a lesson on focus, and how it is essential to readings that get results, manifestation that gets TANGIBLE results, and how to actually use it in your tarot readings. We went over this in a few ways, with several analogies to help you really get it. Thanks for being […]

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How to give GREAT readings (questions)

Hi everyone. Thanks for listening 🙂  Becky (private student) was kind enough to sit in today, again, and we talked about the importance of questions in a reading and how to ask them to get the most accurate and precise results. As you know by now, I am adamant on giving quality information to your […]

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How to read tarot cards for yourself

Julie in Australia asked about reading the tarot for yourself, so I sat down with Diana, one of my mentees and we talked about it. This is a casual lesson. LOTS of info, but nothing to buy–no sales pitches, no infomercials. We cover some very important fundamentals you need to master before you can accurately […]

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