Tag Archives for " clients "

Things every reader should know

These are the very basics every reader should know before casting spreads for clients. These are non-obvious points that sound basic and boring (even to me) but they are the foundation of great readings, and so many readers screw this up on a subconscious level that our industry is plagued by mediocre readings and mildly-satisfied […]

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How to make REAL money with the tarot (series)

What the the best kept secret of the REAL professionals? I am talking about the people who charge $100-$300 an hour, and more—not people who slave away on a “psychic hotline” for 25 cents a minute, even though the boss is charging $3-$5 a minute (like I have in the past). Business cards. But how […]

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Private lesson: How to verify a spread

Hey gang, Today, one of my private students (Ish) joined me on the podcast for an hour as I explained how to verify the accuracy of every spread you cast. This has so many values that you should never EVER cast a spread without verifying the accuracy of it before you put your reputation on […]

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Hey! Want to read professionally? Here’s how:

Renee, one of my private students, sat down with me and let me rant for 42 minutes on how to get your own psychic business going, and how not to. We didn’t cover everything (I still need to cover working in a shop), but we covered what every reader needs to know if they are […]

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How to give GREAT readings (questions)

Hi everyone. Thanks for listening 🙂  Becky (private student) was kind enough to sit in today, again, and we talked about the importance of questions in a reading and how to ask them to get the most accurate and precise results. As you know by now, I am adamant on giving quality information to your […]

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How to have confidence in readings

Stacia and I sit down and answer the age-old question, “How can I be more confident when I am giving a reading to a stranger.” This is a very relaxed conversation where we cover the mistakes too many readers make and the various antidotes. It is short and to the point but it really works. […]

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Roundabout spread how to’s

Kristin is a guest again 🙂 We had fun just creating an imaginary client and giving them a reading. This is an extremely valuable lesson on the roundabout spread and how to help your clients (or yourself) figure out “how-to” accomplish something–step by step, in minute details. I hope you enjoy it. Take notes if […]

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