Tag Archives for " reading "

How to rid yourself of bias when reading tarot cards

Mandy, Sharon and I were sitting around talking about our most unusual possessions, so we decided to share them with you! That brought us to talking about judging other people and of course about reading without judgement. We talked about when to say no and when to take on the responsibility of accepting a client […]

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How to double your accuracy in a reading

The main focal point of this lesson is on opening up cards and “clarification cards.” We cover when to open up cards and how to do it to get the results you want (enhanced clarity, greater accuracy and much more detail. To this end I covered a lot of ground on what to do before you […]

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Court cards and Froot Loops!

In today’s lesson we take a new look at court cards. April is a talented reader with no small amount of experience, but court cards were presenting their usual problems, so we went ahead and dove into that. Along the way we covered how to get your client to communicate more effectively and honestly with […]

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Tarot reversals made easy (Series 2 of 3)

Special double length episode today: Reversals-only exercise from Advanced Tarot Secrets. Today we used an exercise from ATS called “Mob Scene,” which is a variation of Friends and Enemies, but all of the cards were reversed. This allowed us to clump and bump cards together and against each other in a common sense fashion, just like we […]

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How to make REAL money with the tarot (series)

What the the best kept secret of the REAL professionals? I am talking about the people who charge $100-$300 an hour, and more—not people who slave away on a “psychic hotline” for 25 cents a minute, even though the boss is charging $3-$5 a minute (like I have in the past). Business cards. But how […]

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