Tag Archives for " reading "

How do we become GREAT readers?

Super important lesson today. Becky and I sat down and I ranted (I used an expletive—twice!) about the need for training. This is something you must hear, and look around you at the readers you see on TV, on the internet, and who have shops. Look to see who is giving highly detailed, ACCURATE advice. […]

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Hey! Want to read professionally? Here’s how:

Renee, one of my private students, sat down with me and let me rant for 42 minutes on how to get your own psychic business going, and how not to. We didn’t cover everything (I still need to cover working in a shop), but we covered what every reader needs to know if they are […]

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How to give GREAT readings (questions)

Hi everyone. Thanks for listening 🙂  Becky (private student) was kind enough to sit in today, again, and we talked about the importance of questions in a reading and how to ask them to get the most accurate and precise results. As you know by now, I am adamant on giving quality information to your […]

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How to have confidence in readings

Stacia and I sit down and answer the age-old question, “How can I be more confident when I am giving a reading to a stranger.” This is a very relaxed conversation where we cover the mistakes too many readers make and the various antidotes. It is short and to the point but it really works. […]

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How to read tarot cards for yourself

Julie in Australia asked about reading the tarot for yourself, so I sat down with Diana, one of my mentees and we talked about it. This is a casual lesson. LOTS of info, but nothing to buy–no sales pitches, no infomercials. We cover some very important fundamentals you need to master before you can accurately […]

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