Tag Archives for " spreads "

How to know when your cards are right

The most important moment of casting a spread is knowing when to stop shuffling. This is a scary thing if we think too much about it because even one shuffle too much gives us completely random cards. Some people think that we need to let our clients shuffle the deck and cut, or tell us […]

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Two-minute Tarot Tips! (Video lesson #1)

This is an easy way to do a yes/no spread with the Tarot. Sometimes you just need a yes or no question answered, and you don’t want to have to cast a three car blob spread and “hope for the best” or do a larger spread. These yes/no spreads work best ONLY IF you have […]

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Things every reader should know

These are the very basics every reader should know before casting spreads for clients. These are non-obvious points that sound basic and boring (even to me) but they are the foundation of great readings, and so many readers screw this up on a subconscious level that our industry is plagued by mediocre readings and mildly-satisfied […]

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Super Celtic Cross Spread Secrets

Make sure you have your cards handy for this oneā€”and take notes! We go DEEP into the CC spread and how card positions work together, fight each other, and how to figure out what a card means when it is being stubborn. You know when you have a spread cast and everything looks fine but […]

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