Tag Archives for " tarot "

Those darned court cards!

Hey everybody!  I sat down with Paul and Cathy today as part of my “free tarot lessons to anyone!” series. Both Paul and Cathy had EXCELLENT questions about court cards showing up in a spread. I also explained the concept of the pecking order in every spread you cast–just in case you haven’t heard that […]

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2014 resolution / manifestation part 3

Becky sat down with me and let me rant on how to stop wishing and start getting. This is the “anti-seminar guru” episode. Warning: It does have expletives, but only when they are necessary to get you to wake up and take charge of your life, and stop doing things that do not work.

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2014 manifestation (how to) part 2

Becky and I sat down and I ranted for 45 minutes on exactly what you need to do to make your goals come to life in 2014. Seriously powerful lessons here today. I had a meeting with a committee right before the podcast, so I was a bit on edge (sorry). Listen to this episode […]

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Cat talk!

Yes, you read that right. Becky and I sat down and talked about . . . cats. I got saddled with a tiny fuzzball of electricity; a 12-week old kitten who still has no name. It was an early birthday present and Becky talked me through some early stage advice. Then we talked for about […]

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Visiting with Debbi

Debbi (longtime student of mine) and I sat down and had a casual chat—this is a bit different from the usual format. I wanted to see what Debbi had been up to with the tarot over the past few months. We talked about a few topics of interest and I gave a few new mini […]

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The Doubt monster—Amanda’s private lesson

Amanda agreed to sit down and have a private lesson recorded. We covered quite a few things (the 30 minute podcast ran 1 hour and 15 minutes!) but essentially we addresses how to overcome the doubt monster: what happens when your yappy voice (conscious awareness) tries to convince you that you can’t read, or it […]

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All about Significators—AND Spread Protagonists

I had Becky on again, as she is being trained to teach. We talked about significators in great detail: what they are, how and WHY (and when) to use them. We talked about HOW to choose a significator and the differences between single, double, and multiple significators, and three different ways of using them. Take […]

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