Category Archives for "Podcast"

Why Do We Use Tarot Cards and How Do We Get Better Results?

We tackled some more of the popular questions asked on the internet about the Tarot. The questions we covered today included why tarot decks? (Vs anything else), why the tarot is so popular”, and why tarot works so well (“is true”). We also covered some professional secrets on HOW to get the kind of amazing […]

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Tarot “Why” Questions

In today’s podcast, Sharon and I answer another question submitted by our listeners. They want to know about Tarot Why Questions. The Tarot is the Swiss army knife of divination. It can answer all types of questions without the mess of consulting entrails! For this episode, we will focus on Why Questions and we will […]

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Why Learn Tarot?

In today’s podcast, Mandy, Sharon and I tackle questions submitted by our listeners. They want to know things like, why should they learn the tarot? Why use tarot cards? Why are tarot cards accurate? And why do tarot cards work?

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What gives you confidence in reading the Tarot?

Reading the tarot takes confidence: You need to open your mouth and trust the words that come out. This is scary to most people—and it should be. We are not making things up as we go, and we are NOT paid four our opinion. Most people who have had a tarot reading have encountered the […]

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Tarot History Talk

We just couldn’t resist making an extra podcast for you this week! My tarot history team is making some great discoveries I absolutely had to share with you! Join Mandy, Sharon and I as we discuss this exciting event! This is a great opportunity to see what our research team is doing! And if you […]

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How to turn your Tarot readings Tarot Experiences!

Mandy, Sharon and I started out today with a light discussion on some popular myths surrounding the Tarot. So many clients and readers still cling to these! However, the real meat to this episode is a simple process that Mandy used to instantly increase repeat clientele, price, and the quality of the experience that her […]

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How to do Tarot parties step-by-step

Want to get paid to read Tarot at parties? In today’s podcast, Mandy, Sharon, and I show you how to be a tarot party reader step-by-step. We discuss what to expect, what to do, and what to avoid. First, why read Tarot at parties at all? To begin with, you can get paid well all […]

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